Delegate Preparation and Training Session

The NWMUN-Portland 2023 Delegate Preparation and Training Session will be held from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM on Friday, February 17. Facilitated by experienced NWMUN staff members, the sessions are designed for delegates who are new to either Model United Nations generally, or to Northwest Model United Nations specifically. We encourage all delegates who have not previously been to an NWMUN conference to attend; however, all delegates and team leadership, regardless of experience, are welcome to attend.

The session is set up for delegates to stay the entire ninety minutes, but if you can only be there for part of the time, please drop in and grab a seat!

The session will cover (in no particular order):

- How Model United Nations works

- How the NWMUN conference works - structure and staff

- Delegate Code of Conduct (including dress code, decorum, and professionalism)

- Committee Output: Working Papers, Draft Resolutions and Resolutions

- Rules of Procedure: How formal debate actually works

- Suspensions of the Meeting: Moderated and Unmoderated

- Voting Bloc

- Special Rules of Procedure / Flow of Work for Unique Committees (HRC-UPR and Security Council)

We hope to see you there!